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I saw *Six Degrees of Separation* on Broadway on 5/9/17.  I'm a big fan of the 1993 movie with Stockard Channing, Donald Sutherland, and Will Smith.  It's a dramatic spin on the true story of a young Black man who wormed his way into the homes of wealthy people in Manhattan pretending to be a friend of their children and the son of Sidney Poitier.


It's a chatty play and director Trip Cullman set a swift, breezy tone, with impactful moments of drama.  The cast is led by Alison Janney and John Benjamin Hickey as the central couple.  They're both wonderful, Janney in particular nailing the balance of slick sophistication on the surface but spiritual hunger underneath.  The con man was played by Corey Hawkins, who has maybe the most demanding role in the play.  He had a lovely ease with the language and beautifully inhabited all the different personas in his role.


It's a touching play, about being your authentic self and living your life in an honorable way.  See this production, if you can, or watch the movie.

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