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Fabulous Friday: Pedro Gonzalez Gonzalez

My friends Debbie and Bob got me into Noir Alley on TCM, a show that happens on Saturday nights at midnight and Sunday mornings at 10am, hosted by film noir expert Eddie Muller. A couple weeks ago they showed an effective little piece of trash called I Died a Thousand Times starring Jack Palance and Shelley Winters. One of the bit parts was played by an actor named Pedro Gonzalez Gonzalez, billed in the credits as Gonzalez Gonzalez. Muller explained that Gonzalez Gonzalez had appeared as a contestant on You Bet Your Life and John Wayne was so tickled by his banter with Groucho that he got a hold of Gonzalez Gonzalez and cast him in a movie. And then two other movies.

Here's that hilarious bit on You Bet Your Life.

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