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Ryan on the Runway: PRAS season 7, ep 5

Alyssa made her entrance with an albino python draped over her shoulders. No thank you! The designers were sent to the Turtle Back Zoo. Their challenge was to create a runway look to draw the most attention on a “wild night out,” and they needed to be inspired by an animal they saw at the zoo. These are the animals they chose, or at least ended up with:

Cynthia: jaguar

Christina: alligator

Anthony Ryan: owl

Michelle: porcupine

Irina: wallaby

Anya: budgie (cute little bird)

Dmitry: rhea (similar to an ostrich)

Django: lion

Biddell: antelope

Sean Kelly: giraffe

Juli: gibbon - - and being an Aussie, she described it as a “cheeky monkey”, and she repeated that THREE TIMES

Workroom drama: Irina talked with Dmitry about Michelle copying one of his designs from a previous season. But Michelle, blew her heart, said, “Hey, if you have something to say, say it to my face.” Dmitry denied that there was a problem, and Michelle said that she’d been using that technique for ten years. Hm, I don't think we've heard the end of this...

The guest judges were Disney star Peyton List and supermodel Joan Smalls. Yawn. Could we get some guest judges I actually know? Am I asking for the moon here, people?


Anthony Ryan: cool mix of fabrics, beautiful vibe. Dmitry: they thought it was reminiscent of a previous dress, but liked it overall. Isaac said that he thought Michelle’s dress was the Dmitry dress, but I wonder if someone tipped him off. Michelle: the judges were crazy for it.


Sean Kelly: they liked the concept but hated the shiny fabric. Juli: lots of problems. Alyssa put it best when she said everything that you want to try and minimize, as a woman, is accentuated in this dress. Django: so cheap and awful, and of course the judges hated the green.

The winner was Michelle. Her design was the strongest but of course we’ve got maximum drama going forward. Juli was sent home. That dress really was awful, though Django's giant green diaper was also pretty awful. I think they kept Django because he's more interesting from a TV perspective.

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