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Ryan on the Runway: PRAS 6, episode 10

The designers met at the Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square - - their challenge was to design a dazzling performance outfit for the stage. They were given music genres, two designers for each genre: Helen and Fabio had country, Stanley and Edmond had rock, and Ken and Anthony had pop. It was a head to head challenge, meaning in each pair one would be the top and one would be the bottom. One of the top designers would win, one of the bottom designers would lose.

Their prize was designing a T-shirt for the Hard Rock Rock Shop, and also a trip to Cancun.

As usual, Anthony had the funniest line. Stanley had told him to rein him in if he (Stanley) was making more than three pieces. Anthony pointed out that he was making four, bordering on five pieces. Stanley said he was going to stick to making four pieces and Anthony said, “We’re not doing no damn eight pieces with two sides and a biscuit on this challenge, Stanley.”

Rebecca Minkoff (guest judge on the Betty Boop challenge) was the guest mentor. Her criticism was straightforward and on point. Maybe Lifetime is grooming her for a permanent gig?


Georgina mentioned that Stanley’s outfit was too precise. They felt Edmond really nailed the look, he had the rock vibe.


Fabio’s look was the winner in this pair, but only because Helen’s was a bigger failure. Isaac said that Helen’s look was what a country star would wear to a bar mitzvah. But then he said that Fabio’s girl looked like she was going to play tennis.


I don’t know why they liked Ken better than Anthony. I thought Ken’s look was too demure, and the granny panty was a big problem. I loved Anthony’s look.

Edmond was the winner. His look was totes badass. And Helen was sent home. I think she was surprised. It was nice of Isaac to point out how close the decision was.

Next week: NINA GARCIA!

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