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We slept until around 6 and had breakfast at the Lighthouse Terrace.  I had a made-to-order omelet: onion, tomato, mushroom, bacon, and cheddar.  Also an English muffin and some pineapple.  Richard had oatmeal and fruit.

It was a blissfully lazy day.  We hoped to go to the George Washington House (who knew he had lived in Barbados for a couple of months when he was 19?), but alas, they were closed on the weekends.  So we mostly just sat around the pool and amused each other.  We had lunch at the poolside bar - - Richard had the Caesar salad, I had the curry falafel sandwich.  Both were very good.  And I had a Banks beer.  My beloved colleague Ethlouise Banks had been to Barbados on a cruise a few months ago, and came back talking about Banks beer, the beer of Barbados.  She didn’t taste it, she has never had a beer, can you imagine.  I had a bottle in her honor, and it tasted like your standard cheap swill - - PBR, Old Milwaukee, what have you.  It was just fine, hit the spot.  Here's a pic of me with my Banks and then without.  I think the second picture might have been taken AFTER I had the beer, I look so supremely relaxed (though that was my default setting on this trip).






We lolled about the room for a while.  Richard read aloud choice tidbits from The Barbados Advocate.

RICHARD: Do you want to hear the Quote of the Day?

ME: Yes, I do - - lay it on me.

RICHARD: "But he knoweth the way that I take; when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.  My foot hath held his steps, his way have I kept, and not declined." Job 23, 10 to 11.

ME: Those numbers - - is that his locker combinatinon?

Oh the laughing, oh the endless hilarity!

Our primary task for the day was to figure out how to hook Richard’s Samsung tablet up to his Bluetooth Samsung keyboard.  We did live chat with a few Samsung support people and got it to work.

We had dinner that night at the place we tried to go to the night before, Brown Sugar, a place that serves traditional Barbados dishes, right down the street.  It was a fantastic meal and a lovely experience.  Richard had a Barbados specialty as his first course, a sort of polenta made with okra and flying fish. 
























I had the pumpkin soup.  Both were wonderful.  Richard had the snapper and I had the flying fish for our main courses - - Richard had the fried potatoes, I had the fried sweet potatoes, and we both had steamed carrots, broccoli, other vegetables.  Everything was delicious and the service was first class.  We did not have dessert, we were very full.



























We got back to the room and flipped around the TV.  The *Ghostbusters* remake was on HBO and we were amazed at how stupid it was, yet were unable to change the channel.

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